Sailor Sun
Episode One - "Only One"
Chapter Three

[Scene Change] - Dark Text
[Action] - Red Text
{"Thought"} - Blue Text
Speech - Yellow Text
Name of Character - Yellow-Bold Text  

During Chapter One:
The girls met a new guy, Brad, a exchange student from Canada. Brad suddenly find himself being chased by the Nega-Verse.

During Chapter Two:
    The Nega-verse brained washed Brad into disliking the sailor scouts. With the power of the Nega Verse Brad was able to unlock the power of a necklace that has been in his family for generations; therefore he ended up turning into Sailor Sun (and a girl).
    A new weapon is also introduced in this chapter "The Six Sailor Orbs." Each Orb has it's own unqie power and ablility. Queen Brayal allowed Sailor Sun to use the ANIMAL ORB agenist the Sailor Scouts.
    During the confrontion between Sailor Sun and the other scouts, Venus and Jupiter were both turned into collies (dogs), Moon into a Bunny, and Mars into a little Piglet.

* * *

[Mercury rushes into her home with a pile of clothing and two small animals in her arms. She runs up to her room and dumps the arm load on her bed. While huffing and puffing Luna and Artimes catch up.]

Luna [Jumps on to the bed with Serena-Bunny and Rei-Piggy, she looks up at Mercury who is still huffing and puffing from the run back.]
Ami, are you O.K.?

I'm ... fine... Lun...a. I... just ... need ... to catch ... my ... breath.

Artimis [following Luna up on to the bed]
How about you two? [ he looks down on the other two animal scouts who are still on the bed.]

Rei-Piggy [tries her best to respond to Artmis]
Squil...snort, squil! [ After realising that she couldn't say a thing she gives up]

Luna [to Artimes]
I don't think they can talk!

Artimes [replies]
I think your right, Luna.

Mercury [after she finishes catching her breath]
Luna, who was that other scout?

Artimis [quickly replies while getting angier]
That was Sailor Sun. I knew she turned to the Negaverse.

But, we've never seen her before. Why attack now?

Luna [calmly thinking about their situation]
It must have been when they kidnapped Brad and took his necklace. They couldn't revive Sailor Sun without that necklace.

Well, if that's one of her attacks, were in deep trouble.

That wasn't one of her attacks. [a pause keeps everyone wondering what Luna meant] It was that Orb she had.

Artimis [quickly relising where Luna's going with this]
Do you think it's one of the Sailor Orbs?

What else could it be..


Sailor Orbs?

There are six orbs, each with a different power, they were orignally suppose to be given to each of the sailor scouts when you all became of age.  Their use was to increase your ablilities.

But when we arived on Earth after the attack on the Moon Kingdom, the sailor orbs were not among the rest of the Sailor power tools.

We assumed they were distroyed during the Moon Kingdom attack over a thousand years ago.


[The three looks at the squiling pig. Rei-Piggy pulled Sailor Moon's Creasent Moon Wand from the rest of the clothing and was trying to get everyone's attention.]

Squil, snorf, snorf, squil.

Luna, could Sailor Moon still use the moon crystal to bring herself back to normal.

I don't know. It would work if she were... [Luna pauses to look for the proper wording] herself, but I don't know if it'll work in her current state.

Their's only  one way to know. [She picks up the wand and places it infront of the Bunny( which is less then a foot away from Rei)] Go ahead Serena, give it a try.

[Serena-Bunny sits there only looking at the wand]

Artimis [whipers to Luna]
What's she doing???

I would guess she's trying to determine how she's going to use it with paws instead of hands.

[Serena-Bunny slowly crawls up on to the wand opens her small month, but nothing comes out.]

Luna, I think you're right. I don't think she can use it.

Voice from down stairs
Ami... You home?

Oh, no, Mom's back.

* * *
[Ami's Mother is seen walking up stairs towards Ami's Room she turns and looks in the door to Ami's room.  There was Ami in her room reading a book on her bed.]

Ami's Mother
Ami, how was your day?


Ami's Mother
I hope you didn't spend your hole weekend studying again.

No, I was... er out with my friends today.

Ami's Mother
Good, It's good to study but, you should have a little fun.

Oh, Mom, I really like studing.

Ami's Mother
I know, I know... What's with all the cloths on your bed, you ussually keep your room nice and neat?

Oh, well, Serena and Rei left some for me to try on.

Ami's Mother
Oh, what good friends. Everyone should have friends like them, well, I'm going to be due back at the hospital soon. Will you be O.K.

Sure, I'll just read.

Ami's Mother
Alright. Don't stay up to late.

I won't.

[Ami's mother leaves. Luna, Artimis, and Rei-Piggy all come out from under the bed.]

Sorry about that, I had to hid you somewhere, if my mother saw all of you she would inist on me getting rid of you.

That's Ok, we understand.

Squil! [she gives a understaning noise to let Ami now she understands as well]

Where's Serena?

I don't know she was under the bed with us.

Ami [gets on her hands and knees to look under the bed. She see Serena way underneath the bed.]
Serena, come on out.

[Serena shakes her little bunny head]

What's wrong?

Maybe she wants a carrot.[Artimis says joking]

[Serena-Bunny quickly runs (or hops quickly, what ever Bunny's do) out of the bed at the word, carrot and hits her head on the wall at  the other side of the room.]

I don't think she was ready to run at the speed of a rabbit.

[Rei-Piggy stands beside Ami making a slight laughing-snorking noise as she looks at Serena-Bunny out like a light]

* * *
[Back at the negaverse in Queen Brayal's thrown room Sailor Sun appears suddenly infront of Malikite interupting him while he was talking to his Queen]

Ah, Sailor Sun, report.

Sailor Sun
Well, my queen, I was able to capture two of the scouts and two others should not be a future problem.

What happen Sun, couldn't get all of them

Silence Malikite, 4 scouts are better then you ever did. I want to see the two scouts you have captured.

Sailor Sun
No, problem. [Sun whistles] Here, Jupiter and Venus.

[The two dogs come running out excited to be called]

What is this, these are not the sailor scouts. There two mutts.

I agree, where are the scouts?

Sailor Sun [kneeling down to scratch Jupiter under the neck]
This is Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus. Both turned into dogs using the orb you gave me.

I don't believe you could have mastered that orb so quickly. If they are the scouts, turn them back.

Sailor Sun [suddenly unsure of herself]
I.. don't know how.

Then, you have no way to prove that these two are in fact Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter.

Sailor Sun
Well, no. But...

Malikite [turns to Brayal]
Queen Brayal, I don't believe that these are the scouts that Sailor Sun claims them to be. Why would they come willingly to her if she turned them into dogs.

Sailor Sun [Getting mad at Malikite]
Because, they have no choice. They compeled to do what ....

Brayal [Interrupts the argument]
I want proof. But to be sure I want these dogs... distroyed

Sailor Sun [shocked at the suggestion of killing to two animals, even if they were the scouts]
Queen Brayal, I believe that these two can help me find the others.

Sailor Sun
But you said the others were gone.

Sailor Sun [turning to face Malikite]
No, I said the others should not be a problem. One is a rabbit now and the other a pig, plus there is still one more scout out there.

Alright, We'll let the dogs live for now.

Sailor Sun
Thank you my Queen. [Sun quickly dissappears along with the dogs.]

Queen Brayal, you can't believe that those two animals are two sailor scouts.

I don't pretend to believe it or not too. If the scouts show up the next time we fight them, then we will know.

* * *
[In another room, Sailor Sun and the two dogs appear, Derien in the room working on some a new plan of attack]

Sailor Sun
Well, that was a close call.  [ she realises Derien is in the room. The two dogs start to growl at him.] Derien! What's the deal with Malikite wanting to kill the scouts.


Sailor Sun
He wanted to distory Jupiter and Venus here.

Woof, Woof!

What do you mean? Jupiter and Venus?

[After a brief explination Derien said that he had to go and left the room rather quickly]

Sailor Sun
I have to lay down. [She looks around for a place to lay down and rest] You two are -Yawn- luckly, you don't have to put up with someone like that. I'm going to get some shut eye. [Sun lays down on her seat and goes to sleep]

[Mina-Dog and Lita-Dog both sat where they were]

{"Well, This is just great. 'I don't believe that is Venus.' I had to open my big mouth, and now look at me. I'm a mutt stuck in the negaverse with the bad guy."}

Mina-Dog [hearing Lita's complaining, she trys to respond]
Woof, Woof, Woof!

Lita-Dog [hearing Mina bark]
Woof, Woof? {"Oh, I forgot, I can't talk."}

Sailor Sun [tring to get to sleep]
Do you two mind, I'm tring to get to sleep here.

[Both dogs lay down]

{"Oh, great, I have to go..."}

Mina-Dog [hearing Lita's voice in the back of her head again]

Lita-Dog [noticing a pattern with Mina's barking]
{"Mina? Can you hear me?"}

Mina-Dog [Still not getting it]
Woof, Woof?

Sailor Sun
Come on girls, can you be a little more quiet?

{"Mina, think about what your going to say"}

Mina-Dog [thinking Lita's acting smart]
{"I'm a dog! What does she expect clear grammer and..."}

{"Their you go."}

Mina-Dog [Suddenly realising what Lita's talking about]
{"I get it now."}


{"Lita, what's wrong?"}

{"I think I still have to use the washroom."}

{"What do you mean 'think'?"}

{"It doesn't quite feel normal"} Weep!

Sailor Sun [hearing Lita's Weeping]
I'm sorry, girl. I didn't mean to yell at you.

Weeep, weep.

Sailor Sun [starts to head over to Lita to try to make her feel better]
Want a belly rub?

Lita-dog [suddenly excited to hear the words.]
{"BELLY-RUB!"} [She flips over and lays on her back ready for the rub]

{"What are you doing?"}

Lita-Dog [still excited]
{"I'm getting ready to get my belly rubbed!"}

Sailor Sun [gets down on her hands and knees]
Here you go girl! [Sun starts to rub Lita's belly then suddenly stops] What's this?

[Both dog are silent waiting to hear what Sailor Suns going to say]

Sailor Sun
Well, it looks like you and me have something in common. Your a boy.

[Both dog sat there with a shocked look on their faces. Then Mina-Dog fell down making a laughing type noise, Lita sat there shocked and ... well lets just say she doesn't have to use the washroom anymore.]

* * *
[The Ami the cats and the other two are still in Ami's room. Ami's hard at her Mercury-computer while Luna and Artimis are trying to think of anything they can do to rectify Serena and Rei's current problem. Meanwhile Rei is piking on Serena who is still out cold.]

Figure anything out yet Ami?

No, you two come up with anything?

No, neither of use can even remember what all the orbs do, never mind reversing the effect.

We needs that orb. If you could get it Ami, then you could use it to change all the others back to normal.

We still also have to get Lita, and Mina.

If they ever got away they would have found us by now.

Artimis, maybe you should go check the temple make sure they're not their waiting for us.

Will do. [Artimis jumps out of the window and quickly runs out of sight.]

Luna, one thing still bothers me, why did Mina and Lita go with Sailor Sun? Why go with the bad guy?

I don't know... maybe she has some kind of control over them.

Do you think she could be blackmailing them?

No... they wouldn't betray us, even if they we're blackmailed.

Some kind of magic then...

[While Luna and Ami and discusing, Serena-Bunny wakes up from her encounter with the wall and starts to head (reather slowly) to the door. Rei-Piggy follows her in attempt to keep track of the little misfit. They both walk right out of Ami's door, down the hall, and out of the house with Serena in the lead and Rei trying her best to keep up on her small little piggies (pun not intended).]

Luna [Contuning her confersation with Ami]
I think becouse there dogs, they have to obey, like dogs.  Just like Serena was excited over the word carrot.

Well, if that's the case... [She realises that both Serena-Bunny and Rei-Piggy are gone.] Luna, where are Serena and Rei?

Luna [Quickly realizing that they're gone]
I don't know but we better find them!

[Both start to look around the room assuming Serena went under the bed again]

* * *
[Meanwhile in Ami's backyard Serena has made friends with a carrot from Ami's mother garden Rei is doing her best to catch up to her.]

{"That stupid Meat-Ball-Head! She just can't stay still"}

[(* Editor's Note - Serena and Rei can't hear each other's thoughts becouse they aren't the same kind of animal like Lita and Mina are.)]

[A rather older gentleman sees both animals beside each other in the garden]

Man [picking up the bunny who for some reason or other is hugging a carrot from the garden]
You two shouldn't be here. I better take you with me, until I can find your owners.


[Serena-Bunny doesn't move while the man picks her and her carrot up. Rei darts away from him and onto the street in hope to get away from him and back to Ami. Unknown to Rei a car fastly approachs from down the block. The man quickly drops the carrot, which he had in one of his hands and moves closer to Rei. Just in enough time to grab her little tail and pull her back on the sidewalk before the car pasts. Rei squils in pain from her tail being pulled but soons stops after she realises how close she was to becoming road kill. The man places both little animals in the back seat of his car and he gets in the drivers seat.  The pulls the car away. Ami and Luna shortly comes out of the house still looking for the other two.]

* * *
[In side the car both of the little animals start to realize there problem]

{"Wait a minute? Where am I? Where are we going?"} [Serena, as usual starts to cry, whiping her small paws over her furry little face]

Rei-Piggy [attemps to climb the side of the door to look out the window and try to determinewhere they are heading,  but her small body and little paws prevented her from doing this. She quickly realises that they both at the mercy of the driver.]

* * *
[Lita and Mina-Dogs both walk just infront of Sailor Sun. Sun,  who is wearing a big jacket to and big jeans to hind her sailor uniform ( walking down the street as a sailor scout would not only look strange but be imparising for Brad if any of his friends ever found out.)]

Mina-Dog [still not quite getting over the news that Lita's a guy dog.]
{"So I guess this leaves you out of the race to get Andrew."}

{" Your still not going to drop that are you."}

{"Well, it is kind of funny, a boy chaser like you turning into a boy. Don't you just love the irony?"}

{"It does explain one thing, though."}

{"oh, really. What?"}

{"It explains why I think you look so cute."} [Mina, just gets a strange look on her face. Not sure if her friend was serious or just joking around. Lita on the other hand knew that saying she was attracted to Mina would get her to drop the subject (who says dogs aren't smart?)] {"Where are we going anyway?"}

{"I bet Ami has already found a way to cure Rei and Serena, so if we go to the temple, they'll beable to cure us."}

{"What about her."} [Lita motions her head to Sailor Sun. ]

{"We'll just have to lose her. I don't know about you but I'm tired of siting whenever she says so."}

{"On the count of three we make a run for it. One, Two , Three..."} [both dogs suddenly start to run away and around the corner...]

* * *
[Meanwhile the man has pulled over to pick up a bag of cat food from the pet store. He opened the door of his car where Serena and Rei sat. They both realised that they could escape while the man had his back to the car to pick up the bag. They started to get ready to jump out of the car when they both heard...]

Sailor Sun [ Surpised that the dogs just took off.]
Hey, come back here.

[Suddenly two dogs ran from around to corner and while both of them were looking back at their enemy, they both unknownly ran right into the car and their friends. Knocking Serena and Rei back into the car. The man who drove the car turned around with the big bag covering his sight and flopped it on top of Mina and Lita. Both dogs where trapped in the car. One under the bag, the other in the foot area behind the drivers seat.]

[Sailor Sun ran right by the car tring to catch the two dogs, but the jacket and pants slowed her down.]

[That man closed the back door got back into the front seat of his car and then realised that there where two more animals in the back of his car.]

Well, what do we have here? [ He lifted the bag off of Mina and both dogs crawled out to the center of the seat. He looked at Serena and Rei] Well, it looks like you two have some company. [ He then started to drive off]

* * *
[Sailor Sun was all alone in a alley]

Sailor Sun
Oh, this is just great. Brayal's going to have my head on a silver plater. [ she takes off her jacket and pants and then jumps to the closest roof] I'm going to have to find them. [ She rushs off jumping from roof to roof trying to find the two missing dogs.]

* * *
[ The car pulls into a fenced in yard with a large building in the center of it. The man gets out of the car which he left parked at the entance of the buliding and enters the building leaving all the animals in the car]

{"This is great! We lost Sailor Sun and we have a place to start looking for the others"}

{"It's a good thing we ran into this car and  look at the cute little bunny."}

{"Where are we?"} [Just realising their still in the car.  She looks up at the dogs] {"I don't like the way those dogs are looking at me"}

{"Crips, can't someone get this mutt off of me? He's heavy and smells"}

[Just then the man and a lady comes out]

I found the Bunny and Piglet Doc, but the two dogs just ran into the car. They have no id tags or collars.

Well, it's a good thing they found you instead of a dog catcher. Put the dogs into the empty cage in the kennel, I'll put the piglet in the back she should like the mud puddle back there and I'll put the bunny with the others for now.

Aren't you going to take a look at them.

They all seem in good health. I'll do a more thought check when I get back tonight. Right now I have to goto out of town.

Mina and Lita-Dogs
{"Cage?!, Kennel?!"}


{"Other Bunnies!"}

* * *
[Ami, Luna and Artimis all meet up at the temple]

Anyone find any of them?

Not me.

Me neither. Though still don't understand how you two could lose them?

Artimis, that's not important right now. It's getting dark.

Ami [realising there is someone jumping on the roofs in the distance]
Luna, could that be Sailor Sun?

Luna [ turning to see the same]
Could be, better go check it out.

If that is Sailor Sun then she knows where Lita and Mina are.


* * *
[Sailor Sun jumps from building to building looking for the two dogs on the streeets below. Just infront of her Sailor Mercury and her two cats stand. ]

Sailor Sun [stops as quick as she can a good 10 meters ahead of Mercury]

Sailor Mercury
You've betraid the uniform you wear and those who believe in the sailor scouts. I am Sailor Mercury and I behalf of Mercury I will stop you.

Sailor Sun
Why do you guys say such stupid speeches anyway?

Sailor Mercury
Sailor Sun, I demaid to know who you are, what your intent is and where my friends are.

Sailor Sun
You want that in order, well I'm your worst nightmare, I want to stop all you scouts from huring anyone else. As for your friends, I have no idea where they are, but I'll find them.

Sailor Mercury
Hurt anyone????

Sailor Sun
Talk times over. SUN FIRE BLAST, STRIKE! [ A yellow ball of fire rushes towards Mercury. Mercury as well as the cats jump out of the way just in time to avoid the attack.]

Sailor Mercury
MERCURY BUBBLES [Mercury's attack fogs up the area. Preventing Sailor Sun from seeing where she fires here Blast attack] .

Sailor Sun
Fog? Is this the best that you can do? [ Sailor Sun pulls out the Animal orb and points it in the direction Mercury was last in] COW [she points it in another direction] Cat, eagle, deer, tiger, fish, hampster... [ Sailor Sun continues to yell out animals while pointing the orb in random dierctions. She stops after a short time ( and after see ran out of animals to call out) The fog lifted and Sailor Sun could see a set of cloths. She hit Mercury but where was she? There was no animals in sight.]

[A floor down on a fire escape just infront of Sailor Sun three animals sat. A little bluish cat, a tiger and a sparrow. Sailor Sun started to looked down the fire escape only to see a tiger jump at her. She julted back but the orb fell out of her hand and down the side of the building. Sailor Sun (scared out of her mind quickly dissappeared to get away from the big animal which was turning around for another attack. The orb continued down the side of the building until it hit the pavement below and shadered into many small pieces.]

[A fainted light formed around the three animals and then a flash. The cat flashed and Ami appeared on all four. She looked down on herself to see she was wearing absolutly nothing. She dove to the side the the wall and curried up tring to hid herself. Artimis fell flate on his face from falling where he was just puched (as a bird)]


Luna [Luna (in her regular form) looked down from the top of the roof]
Are you two OK?

Sure, if you want a face that's as flat as a pancake

Luna, can you get my cloths?

Luna [Quickly realising Ami's problem]
Sure, hold on. [she rushes over to the pile on cloths and drags Ami's shirt out. She pulls it over to edge of the building for Ami to get.] Here you go.

* * *
[Meanwhile at the vet's the two dogs lay in the large cage in the kennel]

{"Any ideas on how where going to get out of here."}

{"None come to mind, if we were human we could just open the cage."} [ she looks over at Lita who has just started to glow with a white light] {"what's happening to you?"}

Lita-Dog [looks over to Mina and see the same]
{"huh"} [ suddenly both of them return to normal and the cage seems a lot smaller.]

Why didn't we try that sooner?

* * *
[At that very moment Rei is actualy starting to enjoy having her own MUD puddle to wallow around in.  She flips and dives into it, smearing the mud all over herself, she suddenly stops, laying face down in the mud,  feeling something strange is going to happen, but after a second she hears a kid's voice]

Hey, Bully, come look at the girl in the mud.

Boy, she's going to be imparised. [Rei quickly realises that she can hear her own voice.   She looks at herself not, to see a piglet's body, but a body of a 16 year old teenage girl, that is coated in mud.] Oh, my, G...! [  She quickly runs into the building trying her best to hid herself.]

* * *
[Back inside the vet's office, the doctor is taking a reluctent bunny, out of cage.]

I knew a corrot would help. [She places Serena-Bunny on the table with her carrot and starts to examine her.  Serena doesn't really like the cold table, but is happy to be eating her carrot.  She suddenly starts to glow] What the... [Suddenly the rabbit the vet was check disappeaed and there laying on the table was a blond young teenage girl.  The vet suddenly felt light headed and fell to the ground.   Serena lookd down from the table, wondering what happen when a pony tail fell down off the table.  Serena looked into a mirror that was hanging on the wall.  She was relived to be back to normal, but only a second until she ralised she had nothing on.]


* * *
[Lita, and Mina were both out of the cage, which entraped them less the five minutes ago. Luckly the kennel had no windows, so they were looking for something to put on before they left.]

Lita [finding some towels she holds them up]
How about these? [ She tried not to look at Mina.  Although they were both back to nomal, she still had some odd feelings to Mina, that she never had before.]{"I can't have these feeling for MINA.  That's imposible, I'm back to normal"}

I guess they'll will have to do for now.

Serena-from down the hall

Was that Serena? [ they both took a set of the towels left for drying dogs after they were given baths, put them on,  and the two girls headed at full speed out the door.   Then WHAP!]

Rei [from underneathe Lita and Mina.]
Will, you two get off of me. [Rei, heard the scream and was on her way down the hall.   Luckly she quicky found a swimsuit in the locker room just inside the door she ran into from the yard, but only had time to put it on after she heard the scream. Or else she would have had a shower to get all the dryed up mud off of her.]

Mina [While getting off]
Rei, how did you get here?

[Lita being in the middle of this human sandwish, couldn't help from blushing, and a smirk on her face. She got off trying not to bring attention to herself.]

Rei [noticing Lita's Blushing and smirk]
What are you so happy for?[She said angryly, thinking Lita's mocking at her appearance.]

Lita [Wanting to chage the subject]
Rei, you heard that scream too?

Mina [Realising again, why they left the room so quickly]
Oh, yea, Serena.

[All three girls ran down the hall to the end of the hallway, then Rei saw Serena in the Vet's examination room, they all quickly ran in.]
