Sailor Shadow
Episode 9 Chapter 4
"The Secret Realed"

~ Legend ~
|> < = ACTION ---------------------------------------------- |
|~ ~ = FEELING / WAY SOMETHING'S SAID -------------|
|{" "} = THOUGHT -------------------------------------------|
|* * = 'NOTE' ... ----------------------------------------------|
|( ) = SCENE SETTING --------------------------------------|

Well, Sailor Moon is with the Negaverse, but Beryl did something... We found the Crescent Moon Wand, Aphrodite is Robyn's Guardian... I will tell you that... :) Sailor Shadow? We'll talk... Read on. :)

>sighs< How to start... >looks at Luna, who looks at Robyn and just starts to talk...<

A long time ago, there was-

>interrupting< Um, Luna... can we just skip the History lesson right now... we have to rescue Serena!

>teardrop< Serena?!

Ok, I'll tell you... short and... well... not so sweet... You are a Sailor Scout... like us. >points to herself< I'm Sailor Sun, >points to Lita< Sailor Jupiter, >points to Mina< Sailor Venus, >points to Rei< Sailor Mars, >points to Amy< Sailor Mercury... Serena is Sailor Moon... >points to Robyn< You are Sailor Shadow. >breathes out<

>grabs her head with her left hand... holding the moon wand in her right< This is too much... all at once... >looks at Luna< {"I think I'd rather have sat through the history lesson..."}


>appears in the normal world, and transforms herself< "Powers of the Negaverse! Turn me into Serena!" >a black cloud of smoke surrounds her, from her feet up to her upraised hands. When the smoke clears, all that can be seen is Serena Tsukino... "Meatball Head", taking off towards the temple<

(*Note: Two things... first: sorry that was so short... but oh well... and Second: remember, Beryl took Serena's memories... most of them... she knows everything that Serena knew... and more... >ok, c'mon... roll with it!!<*)


(At Robyn's house)

>yelling at Bay< You just blurted it out... then, you didn't give her a chance to sit and think! >crosses her arms and turns around to the window of Robyn's room<

>still a little shook up, but understanding why Amy seems to either ignore Rei and Serena's arguments or read a book!< >pleading< Guys?! Please stop fighting!

>Rei and Bay still keep fighting... so, knowing her father wasn't home, Robyn screamed at the top of her lungs< WOULD YOU TWO PLEASE KNOCK OFF THE ARGUMENT! YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

>All movement in the room stops<

>teardrop< Uh... sorry... >sighs< You two wouldn't listen to me... look, we're here to find my mom's necklace. Remember? >looks pleadingly at the two girls<

>teardrops< Sorry...

>everyone helps Robyn both unpack and search, the doorbell rings<

>runs out of the room< I'll get it!

>unpacking a large box< Bay... I- I'm- >sighs, then grits her teeth< I'm sorry...

>looking through desk drawers< Apology accepted, hey, where would you hide, if you were a necklace?

>temper rising< You ungrateful little- You didn't even-

>slapping hand over Rei's mouth< Look, we are here to help Robyn... not fight... you two can fireball each other later, but right now...

>walks in with a small package in her hand, totally oblivious... and seemingly shocked...< I just- got a delivery...

>walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder< Well, >smiles< who's it from?!

>still pretty emotionless... suddenly more pale than before< It's from my mother...

>stop and gasp<


>Running from the temple< {"Those brats! Where are they?"} Grrrr...

>She stops and sees Robyn signing for a package, read the label, then, suddenly grow pale. Then, close the door.<

>runs up to door and listens in on the conversation upstairs< {"What are they up to?"}

>looking at the package< It can't be from Mom! I saw her... I mean... >sniffs<

>leaps up into her lap, purring< I know, Robyn, but I'm sure there's a reason you recieved this! >looks up and smiles< Open it!

>smiling too< Yeah! Let's all see what your mom gave you!

>sniffs< Ok. >rips off the packing tape, and shakes the whole time< Mom was always overdoing it with tape... >half smiling trying to cheer up<

>smiling and holding Artemis< {"I wonder what it is?!"}

{"Oh! I remember something about this thing... what was it?!"}

>finally getting the box open, she sees a letter in an envelope with her name on it, and a medium sized black box< A letter? And a jewelry box?! >picks up letter and opens it< Dearest daughter, If you are reading this, then it means I have passed on before your 18th birthday. The necklace that you loved so much is now yours. I could take the family secret with me, but I love you very much, and sense you'd find out anyway. There is a story in our family that says we were meant to one day help rule a kingdom. But the story doesn't get any more certain than that. Please take care of this crystal pendant. I know it's always been special to you. Love, Mom.

>surprised< What?!

>picks up the box and opens it< >gasps< ~weepily~ Oh, Momma.... >picks up the pendant which is on a beautiful silver chain< My favorite necklace on one of mom's favorite chains! >undoes the clasp and as she puts it on, a tear falls onto the crystal...<

>suddenly remembering what she was supposed to tell Robyn when she recieved her power crystal< ROBYN! WAIT! >leaps towards her... but to late, Robyn already had the necklace on<

I feel funny... >looks down and sees a light purple colored light glowing from the pendant<

~smiling~ Sailor Shadow's necklace!

>her necklace glows brighter and a symbol appears on her forehead, changing between a japanese character and a yin-yang< What's happening?!

>on Robyn's shoulder, bites the necklace and yanks it off< No! Not yet! >Robyn faints from all that<

~surprised~ Aphrodite! What's wrong with you?! You've been acting strange since we decided to come look for the pendant!
>seeing the pendant on Robyn's bed is still glowing< ~angrily~You don't understand! I remember! There was a curse placed on that pendant in the time of Sukia's attack on the Moon Kingdom! An evil spirit was trapped in there by Queen Serenity and Sailor Shadow! If Robyn wears that thing with out being told, and being prepared... she can't fight it off again! >still has an angry face<

>blowing her off< No there wasn't! I think Luna and I would know if that had happened! >looks at Luna for confirmation and she just sits there with her head down, eyes closed< Luna?!

>looks to the side at Artemis< It's a true story. I remember the reason. Don't you, Artemis? There was no Sailor Moon in the time of the Moon Kingdom. Serenity gave Robyn her powers, but they were attached to the pendant formed from an old rock only found on the moon. >takes a breath< The attack on the Moon Kingdom by Beryl was the second one... not the first...


>picks up Robyn and lays her on the bed< Well, tell us the story!

>Luna begins to tell the story and two hours pass...<
(*Note, if you want to know the story, You can read it by going to the background page!*)

Wow! So, she really did that?!

>nods< Yes, and from the little I've talked with her and been with her, she'd save you all like that again... >looks down< {"Though I hope she never has to!"}

(We're back outside the door... and after all that, Beryl decides to try another strategy!)

(Robyn is coming around, and the only ones left in her room are Aphrodite, Amy, and Luna. The others went to try and figure out how to get Sailor Moon back)

>groaning a little< Ohhh... what happened...? >sits up suddenly< Sailor Scouts! My necklace!? >feels at her neck< Aphrodite?!

>shakes her head< There's a problem, Robyn. We must-

>Ominus laughter from the end of Robyn's bed. Suddenly, Malachite appears hovering over the footboard<

>Points to the necklace on the floor and it floats up to him< Now, for you. >points to Robyn<

>rolls off bed and onto her knees, she yells< Give my mother's necklace back!

>pulling her pen out and shouting< MERCURY POWER! >in a second, she was Sailor Mercury and began to attack Malachite< Mercury Bub-

Gladly! >puts his hand out towards Robyn and they both disappear before Mercury can finish her attack...<

The others aren't gonna like this... >looks at Luna<


What's Beryl's plan? I'm really gonna tell you right now?! Ha! Nah,
We'll wait for Chapter 5...